VBScript program to document all groups that a user is a member of. The LDAP provider is used to
bind to the user and group objects. The program reveals
nested group memberships. The program does
not reveal membership in the "Primary Group".
A dictionary object is used so that the membership of any group is only enumerated once. This
prevents an infinite loop if there are any circular nested groups.
This program should work on any 32 or 64-bit Windows client that can log onto the domain. Windows NT
and Windows 98/95 clients should have DSClient installed. If DSClient is not installed, they
need WSH and ADSI installed.
The program can be run at a command prompt with the cscript host. The output can be redirected
to a text file. The Distinguished Name of a user is a required parameter. For example, you can
run the program with the following command:
cscript //nologo EnumUserGroups.vbs "cn=TestUser,ou=Sales,dc=MyDomain,dc=com" > output.txt
If the user Distinguished Name includes a character that must be escaped, such as a comma in the Common Name, be sure to escape it with the backslash "\" escape character. The characters that must be escaped in Distinguished Names are:
, \ / # + < > ; " =
EnumUserGroups.txt <<-- Click here to view or download the program
An equivalent PowerShell script, which can be run in PowerShell V1 or V2:
PSEnumUserGroups.txt <<-- Click here to view or download the program