' Base64ToPwd.vbs ' VBScript program to convert a base64 encoded string into a text string. ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Copyright (c) 2010 Richard L. Mueller ' Hilltop Lab web site - http://www.rlmueller.net ' Version 1.0 - January 7, 2010 ' ' Syntax: ' cscript //nologo Base64ToPwd.vbs ' where: ' is a Base64 encoded string. ' If no parameter is supplied, the program will prompt. ' ' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce, and ' distribute this script file in any way you find useful, provided that ' you agree that the copyright owner above has no warranty, obligations, ' or liability for such use. Option Explicit Dim strValue64, strHexValue, strValue, objChars, intLen, objRE Dim objMatches, objMatch If (Wscript.Arguments.Count <> 1) Then strValue64 = InputBox("Enter Base64 encoded password", "Base64ToPwd.vbs") Else strValue64 = Wscript.Arguments(0) End If ' Check for syntax help If (strValue64 = "/?") _ Or (strValue64 = "-?") _ Or (strValue64 = "?") _ Or (strValue64 = "/H") _ Or (strValue64 = "/h") _ Or (strValue64 = "-H") _ Or (strValue64 = "-h") _ Or (strValue64 = "/help") _ Or (strValue64 = "-help") Then Call Syntax() Wscript.Quit End If intLen = Len(strValue64) ' Validate string. Set objRE = New RegExp objRE.Pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9\+/]+[=]?[=]?" objRE.Global = True Set objMatches = objRE.Execute(strValue64) If (objMatches.Count <> 1) Then Wscript.Echo "Invalid Base64 string: " & strValue64 Call Syntax() Wscript.Quit End If For Each objMatch In objMatches If (objMatch.Length <> intLen) Then Wscript.Echo "Invalid Base64 string: " & strValue64 Call Syntax() Wscript.Quit End If Next If (intLen Mod 4 <> 0) Then Wscript.Echo "Base64 string invalid length: " & strValue64 Call Syntax() Wscript.Quit End If ' Setup dictionary object used to convert Base64 characters into ' base 64 index integers. Set objChars = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objChars.CompareMode = vbBinaryCompare ' Load dictionary object. Call LoadChars() ' Convert Base64 encoded string into hexadecimal bytes. strHexValue = Base64ToHex(strValue64) ' Convert unicode hexadecimal bytes into text characters. strValue = UnicodePwdToText(strHexValue) ' Output text string in lines of 72 characters each. Do Until Len(strValue) = 0 Wscript.Echo Mid(strValue, 1, 72) If (Len(strValue) > 72) Then strValue = Right(strValue, Len(strValue) - 72) Else Exit Do End If Loop Function UnicodePwdToText(strHex) ' Function to convert a string of hexadecimal bytes into a text string. ' Remove every other byte, which should be a "00" byte, and strip off ' enclosing quote characters. Dim strChar, k UnicodePwdToText = "" For k = 1 To Len(strHex) Step 2 strChar = Mid(strHex, k, 2) If (k Mod 4 = 1) Then UnicodePwdToText = UnicodePwdToText & Chr("&H" & strChar) Else If (strChar <> "00") Then Wscript.Echo "Error at " & CStr(k) End If End If Next If (Left(UnicodePwdToText, 1) = """") Then UnicodePwdToText = Mid(UnicodePwdToText, 2) Else Wscript.Echo "No leading quote found" End If If (Right(UnicodePwdToText, 1) = """") Then UnicodePwdToText = Left(UnicodePwdToText, Len(UnicodePwdToText) - 1) Else Wscript.Echo "No trailing quote found" End If End Function Function Base64ToHex(strValue) ' Function to convert a base64 encoded string into a hex string. Dim lngValue, lngTemp, lngChar, intLen, k, j, intTerm, strHex intLen = Len(strValue) ' Check padding. intTerm = 0 If (Right(strValue, 1) = "=") Then intTerm = 1 End If If (Right(strValue, 2) = "==") Then intTerm = 2 End If ' Parse into groups of 4 6-bit characters. j = 0 lngValue = 0 Base64ToHex = "" For k = 1 To intLen j = j + 1 ' Calculate 24-bit integer. lngValue = (lngValue * 64) + objChars(Mid(strValue, k, 1)) If (j = 4) Then ' Convert 24-bit integer into 3 8-bit bytes. lngTemp = Fix(lngValue / 256) lngChar = lngValue - (256 * lngTemp) strHex = Right("00" & Hex(lngChar), 2) lngValue = lngTemp lngTemp = Fix(lngValue / 256) lngChar = lngValue - (256 * lngTemp) strHex = Right("00" & Hex(lngChar), 2) & strHex lngValue = lngTemp lngTemp = Fix(lngValue / 256) lngChar = lngValue - (256 * lngTemp) strHex = Right("00" & Hex(lngChar), 2) & strHex Base64ToHex = Base64ToHex & strHex j = 0 lngValue = 0 End If Next ' Account for padding. Base64ToHex = Left(Base64ToHex, Len(Base64ToHex) - (intTerm * 2)) End Function Sub LoadChars() ' Subroutine to load dictionary object with information to convert ' Base64 characters into base 64 index integers. ' Object reference objChars has global scope. objChars.Add "A", 0 objChars.Add "B", 1 objChars.Add "C", 2 objChars.Add "D", 3 objChars.Add "E", 4 objChars.Add "F", 5 objChars.Add "G", 6 objChars.Add "H", 7 objChars.Add "I", 8 objChars.Add "J", 9 objChars.Add "K", 10 objChars.Add "L", 11 objChars.Add "M", 12 objChars.Add "N", 13 objChars.Add "O", 14 objChars.Add "P", 15 objChars.Add "Q", 16 objChars.Add "R", 17 objChars.Add "S", 18 objChars.Add "T", 19 objChars.Add "U", 20 objChars.Add "V", 21 objChars.Add "W", 22 objChars.Add "X", 23 objChars.Add "Y", 24 objChars.Add "Z", 25 objChars.Add "a", 26 objChars.Add "b", 27 objChars.Add "c", 28 objChars.Add "d", 29 objChars.Add "e", 30 objChars.Add "f", 31 objChars.Add "g", 32 objChars.Add "h", 33 objChars.Add "i", 34 objChars.Add "j", 35 objChars.Add "k", 36 objChars.Add "l", 37 objChars.Add "m", 38 objChars.Add "n", 39 objChars.Add "o", 40 objChars.Add "p", 41 objChars.Add "q", 42 objChars.Add "r", 43 objChars.Add "s", 44 objChars.Add "t", 45 objChars.Add "u", 46 objChars.Add "v", 47 objChars.Add "w", 48 objChars.Add "x", 49 objChars.Add "y", 50 objChars.Add "z", 51 objChars.Add "0", 52 objChars.Add "1", 53 objChars.Add "2", 54 objChars.Add "3", 55 objChars.Add "4", 56 objChars.Add "5", 57 objChars.Add "6", 58 objChars.Add "7", 59 objChars.Add "8", 60 objChars.Add "9", 61 objChars.Add "+", 62 objChars.Add "/", 63 End Sub Sub Syntax() ' Subroutine to display syntax message. Wscript.Echo "Syntax:" Wscript.Echo " cscript //nologo Base64ToPwd.vbs " Wscript.Echo "where:" Wscript.Echo " is a Base64 encoded string." Wscript.Echo "For example:" Wscript.Echo " cscript //nologo Base64ToPwd.vbs IgB4AFoAeQAkADEAMwAyACMAcQAhACIA" End Sub