' VbsToHtml.vbs ' VBScript program to read VBScript code from a text file and convert ' into HTML, with colorization. For use in a Microsoft Forum message. ' A new file is created with the same name as the input file, but with ' *.htm extension. The contents of the new file can be pasted into a ' forum message using the "Edit HTML Source" feature. This ensures that ' the code snippet maintains spacing and uses a fixed-width font. ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Richard L. Mueller ' Hilltop Lab web site - http://www.rlmueller.net ' Version 1.0 - October 9, 2011 ' Version 1.1 - October 12, 2011 - Handle tabs in code, more keywords. ' Version 1.2 - February 7, 2012 - Add border around the code. ' Version 1.3 - February 8, 2012 - Preserve all embedded spacing. ' Version 1.4 - February 18, 2012 - Remove border, add horizontal line. ' Version 1.5 - February 23, 2012 - Replace horizontal line with gray border. ' Version 1.6 - April 27, 2012 - Add switch to omit gray border. ' ' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce, and ' distribute this script file in any way you find useful, provided that ' you agree that the copyright owner above has no warranty, obligations, ' or liability for such use. Option Explicit Dim strInputFile, objFSO, objInput, strLine Dim strFilePath, strNewFile, objOutput, objList, k Dim strWord, strChar, strNewLine Dim blnQuote, strQuote, strComment, blnBorder Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const OpenAsASCII = 0 Const CreateIfNotExist = True ' One parameter required. If (Wscript.Arguments.Count <> 1) And (Wscript.Arguments.Count <> 2) Then Wscript.Echo "File name required" Wscript.Echo "Syntax:" Wscript.Echo "cscript //nologo VbsToHtml.vbs Example.vbs" Wscript.Echo "This program will create file Example.htm" Wscript.Echo "You can also specify the optional parameter ""/nb"" to omit the gray border" Wscript.Quit End If Set objList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objList.CompareMode = vbTextCompare ' Open the specified file of code for reading. strInputFile = Wscript.Arguments(0) Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objInput = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInputFile, ForReading) blnBorder = True If (Wscript.Arguments.Count = 2) Then If (LCase(Wscript.Arguments(1)) = "/nb") Then blnBorder = False Else Wscript.Echo "If included, the second paramter must be ""/nb"", to omit the gray border" Wscript.Echo "Syntax:" Wscript.Echo "cscript //nologo VbsToHtml.vbs Example.vbs /nb" Wscript.Echo "This program will create file Example.htm" Wscript.Quit End If End If ' Determine new file name. strFilePath = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strInputFile) strNewFile = objFSO.GetBaseName(strFilePath) & ".htm" ' Open new *.htm file for HTML. Set objOutput = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strNewFile, _ ForWriting, CreateIfNotExist, OpenAsASCII) ' Output opening paragraph tag, using fixed width font. If (blnBorder = True) Then objOutput.WriteLine "

" Else ' Output horizontal line. objOutput.WriteLine "

" objOutput.WriteLine "

" End If objList.Add "Option", True objList.Add "Explicit", True objList.Add "Dim", True objList.Add "ReDim", True objList.Add "Preserve", True objList.Add "Const", True objList.Add "On", True objList.Add "Error", True objList.Add "Resume", True objList.Add "Next", True objList.Add "GoTo", True objList.Add "Set", True objList.Add "Nothing", True objList.Add "Do", True objList.Add "Until", True objList.Add "If", True objList.Add "And", True objList.Add "Or", True objList.Add "Xor", True objList.Add "Not", True objList.Add "Then", True objList.Add "Exit", True objList.Add "Loop", True objList.Add "While", True objList.Add "True", True objList.Add "False", True objList.Add "Select", True objList.Add "Case", True objList.Add "End", True objList.Add "Else", True objList.Add "Call", True objList.Add "Sub", True objList.Add "ByVal", True objList.Add "ByRef", True objList.Add "Function", True objList.Add "For", True objList.Add "Each", True objList.Add "In", True ' Read the code from the file. Do Until objInput.AtEndOfStream strLine = objInput.ReadLine ' Replace symbols. strLine = Replace(strLine, "&", "&") strLine = Replace(strLine, "<", "<") strLine = Replace(strLine, ">", ">") ' Check for comments, quoted strings, and keywords. strNewLine = "" strWord = "" blnQuote = False strQuote = "" For k = 1 To Len(strLine) strChar = Mid(strLine, k, 1) Select Case strChar Case "'" ' Single quote character. If (blnQuote = False) Then ' A single quote not in a quoted string indicates a comment. ' Comments always continue to the end of the line. strComment = Mid(strLine, k) ' Replace symbols. strComment = Replace(strComment, """", """) strComment = Replace(strComment, "'", "'") If (strWord <> "") Then strNewLine = strNewLine & strWord End If ' Comments are colored green. strNewLine = strNewLine & "" _ & Trim(strComment) & "" ' Ignore everything that follows on this line. strWord = "" Exit For End If ' Single quote in quoted string. strQuote = strQuote & "'" Case """" ' Double quote character. If (blnQuote = False) Then ' Start of a quoted string. blnQuote = True strQuote = strQuote & """ If (strWord <> "") Then strNewLine = strNewLine & strWord strWord = "" End If Else If (k < Len(strLine)) Then ' Check if the next character is a quote. If (Mid(strLine, k + 1, 1) = """") Then ' Two quote characters in a row. strQuote = strQuote & """ ' Next character, a quote, will be treated as the start ' of a quoted string, except strQuote will not be blank. blnQuote = False Else ' This terminates a string. Strings are colored red. strQuote = strQuote & """ strNewLine = strNewLine & "" _ & strQuote & "" strQuote = "" blnQuote = False strWord = "" End If Else ' This terminates a string. Strings are colored red. strQuote = strQuote & """ strNewLine = strNewLine & "" _ & strQuote & "" strQuote = "" blnQuote = False strWord = "" End If End If Case " " ' Space character. If (blnQuote = True) Then ' Space is part of the quoted string. strQuote = strQuote & strChar Else ' Space delimits a word. Check for keyword. If (objList.Exists(strWord) = True) Then ' Keywords are colored blue. strWord = "" & strWord & "" End If strNewLine = strNewLine & strWord & strChar strWord = "" End If Case Else ' Any character other than single quote, double quote, or space. If (blnQuote = True) Then strQuote = strQuote & strChar Else strWord = strWord & strChar End If End Select Next If (strWord <> "") Then If (objList.Exists(strWord) = True) Then ' Keywords are colored blue. strWord = "" & strWord & "" End If strNewLine = strNewLine & strWord End If ' Replace any tab characters with four space characters. strNewLine = Replace(strNewLine, vbTab, "    ") ' Preserve all spacing. strNewLine = Replace(strNewLine, " ", "  ") ' Preserve leading single space. If (Left(strNewLine, 1) = " ") Then strNewLine = " " & Mid(strNewLine, 2) End If ' Output the line with a trailing carriage return. objOutput.WriteLine strNewLine & "
" Loop objInput.Close ' Output closing paragraph tag. objOutput.WriteLine "

" ' Add a
 tag to flag this as code.
objOutput.WriteLine "
" objOutput.WriteLine "

" ' Close output file. objOutput.Close ' Alert user about the new file. Wscript.Echo "File " & strNewFile & " with HTML created in the current folder"