VBScript program to give a group or user permission to join a computer to a domain. The computer
Distinguished Name is hard coded in the program. The group or user is also hard coded in the program
as an NT trustee in the form "MyDomain\NTName", where "MyDomain" is the NetBIOS
name of the domain, and "NTName" is the NT name
(sAMAccountName, or "pre-Windows 2000 name") of the group or user that will be
granted permission.
When a computer object is created in the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC, you are given
the option of specifying a group or user that can join the computer to a domain. By default, only
members of the group "Domain Admins" have permission to do this. Once the computer object
is created, you can grant this permission to a group or user by specifying the proper permissions
on the Security tab of the properties dialog for the computer object. The four permissions are:
Reset Password
Validated write to DNS host name
Validated write to security principal name
Write Account Restrictions
This program grants these four permissions to the user or group specified for the computer
object designated.
JoinComputer.txt <<-- Click here to view or download the program