VBScript program to document the security group memberships of all users in
the domain. The user names and their security group memberships are written
to an Excel spreadsheet. The name and path of the spreadsheet file to be
created is hardcoded in the program.
The program uses ADO to retrieve the names of all users. The
tokenGroups attribute of a user object reveals all security groups the user
is a member of, including the "Primary Group" and membership due to
nesting. However, ADO cannot retrieve this attribute, so the program binds
to each user object, using the distinguishedName attribute, then uses the GetInfoEx method of the user object to load the tokenGroups attribute into
the local property cache. The tokenGroups attribute is a multi-valued
collection of group SID values. The collection must be enumerated and each
value converted into a hex string. To retrieve the name of the group, the
program must bind to the group object using the hex string format of the SID
value, then retrieve the value of either the sAMAccountName or
distinguishedName attribute. A dictionary object of group SID values and
names is maintained, so that each group object needs to be bound to only
This program does not reveal membership in distribution groups, or groups in
other domains.
UsersGroups.txt <<-- Click here to view or download the program
The program documents the sAMAccountName of each user, their Distinguished Name, and the Distinguished
Names of each security group. If you would rather document the group
sAMAccountNames, simply replace
objGroup.distinguishedName with
objGroup.sAMAccountName in two places in the program.