The Microsoft Excel spreadsheets linked below document the Active Directory attributes exposed by the
LDAP and WinNT providers.
The terms "attribute" and "property" are interchangeable. The name of a property
or attribute is similar to the name of a field in a database. The actual value assigned to the
attribute is stored in Active Directory.
The Active Directory schema can be extended to include additional attributes. The ones documented in
the spreadsheets are only the default attributes when Active Directory is installed.
Spreadsheet of User Properties in Active Directory Users & Computers MMC. Documents the
attributes corresponding to the fields on the following tabs of the user properties dialog of ADUC:
General, Address, Account, Profile, Telephones, and Organization.
Spreadsheet of all Active Directory attributes.
Documents all attributes in a default installation of Windows Server 2008 R2
Active Directory. Does not include attributes added to the schema by
Exchange. Indicates the syntax of each attribute in the schema, which are
replicated to the Global Catalog, which are indexed, which are "constructed"
(operational), which are not replicated, whether they are single or
multi-valued, and which class of objects can use each attribute. The
spreadsheet indicates which attributes were available in Windows 2000
Server and which were new in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 and above.
Some of the attributes that are shown as not available in Windows Server
2003, but available in Windows Server 2008, where introduced in Windows
Server 2003 R2.
Spreadsheet of User Object Property Methods. Documents all property methods available for user objects,
which of these are supported by WinNT, the syntax, and the attributes they are based on. The value
returned by a property method is not stored in Active Directory, but is calculated from other
Spreadsheet of attributes exposed by the WinNT provider.